Figure 1. The SLRP proteoglycan lumican was expressed by non-cardiomyocytes in the murine heart.
Immunolocalization of lumican (LUM, green) at embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5), (A, B), E17.5 (C), P0 (D), 1 month (1 mo) (E, F) and adult (4 mo) (G, H). A, arrowhead- expression subjacent to valve mesenchyme; box in A magnified in B. LUM was associated with α-sarcomeric actin (red) negative cells (B, D, F, arrows). Box in E, shown in higher magnification in F. Blue- propidium iodide. Magnification Bars: A= 250 μm and applies to E, G; B = 10 μm and applies to D, F; C = 125 μm; H= 50 μm. Western blot of LUM in WT mice at P0, 1mo and 4 mo (I). Open arrows denote predominant P0 forms at 50kD and 60kD. * bounded box-different exposure of gel above. Solid arrows denote MW bands 60–75 kD bands in 1mo and 4mo hearts absent in P0 samples. Solid arrow denotes 65–75 MW bands in 1 mo and 4 mo hearts; +/+, wild type heart lysates; −/−, lum−/− heart lysates; GAPDH-loading control; RV- right ventricle, LV- left ventricle.