Figure 5. ECG treatment decreases the number of GFAP positive cells in neocortex and hippocampus of Tsc1GFAPCKO mice.
The effect of ECG on the number of GFAP positive cells was assessed in Tsc1GFAPCKO mice by immunohistochemistry. (A) Vehicle-treated Tsc1GFAPCKO mice (KO + Veh) displayed a diffuse increase in GFAP-positive cells (red) in neocortex (upper middle panel) and hippocampus (lower middle panel) compared with the vehicle-treated control mice (Cont + Veh). ECG treatment partially prevented this increase in GFAP-positive cells in Tsc1GFAPCKO mice (KO + ECG). TO-PRO-3 Iodide (blue) was used as an optimal fluorescence dye for nuclear counterstaining. (B, C) Quantitative analysis confirmed an increase in GFAP-positive cells in vehicle-treated Tsc1GFAPCKO group (KO + Veh) compared with vehicle-treated control group (Cont + Veh) in neocortex, dentate gyrus (DG) and CA1 of hippocampus. ECG treatment (12.5 mg/kg/d i.p. for four weeks) decreased GFAP-positive cells in neocortex and DG, but not in CA1 (KO + ECG; n=8 mice/group). *p<0.05, *** p<0.001 versus vehicle-treated control mice by two-way ANOVA; #p<0.05, ## p<0.01 versus vehicle-treated Tsc1GFAPCKO mice by two-way ANOVA. Scale bar = 200 μm. Cont = control mice, KO = Tsc1GFAPCKO mice, Veh = vehicle, ECG = Epicatechin-3-gallate, DG = dentate gyrus, CA1 = CA1 pyramidal cell layer of hippocampus.