(A) Aggregates were reconstituted from embryonic kidneys at different developmental stages, starting from E11.5 up to E15.5, and immuno-stained for Six2 (green) and DBA (red) after 7 days in culture. Aggregates from E11.5 (a,f,k) and 12.5 (b,g,l), showed similar characteristics in Six2+-NPC maintenance and UB branching morphogenesis. In contrast, aggregates from later developmental stages, i.e., at E13.5 (c,h,m), 14.5 (d,i,n) and 15.5 (e,j,o), showed less well maintenance of Six2+-NPC and failure of UB cells to reorganize into orderly branching structures. (Scale bar = 500 μm). (B) (a) A representative E12.5 aggregate after 7 days in culture was immuno-stained for NPC marker, Six2 (green), UB marker, DBA (red) and DNA (blue). Abundant Six2+ NPC were seen surrounding UB structures, with Six2-/DBA- cells in adjacent areas. (b) EdU (5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine) staining of a representative E12.5 aggregate showed Six2+/EdU+ cells in MM areas that were both close to and distant from the UB structure (white arrow). In contrast, DBA+/EdU+ cells were detected mostly in UB tips surrounded by Six2+-NPC cells (white arrowhead). (c-e) A representative aggregate was immuno-stained for: (c) renal vesicle marker, Lef1 (green)/UB marker, DBA (red); (d) proximal tubule marker, LTL (red)/epithelial marker, pancytokeratin (blue)/NPC marker, Six2 (green); (e) podocyte marker, podocalyxin (green)/UB marker, DBA (red), and showed the development of Lef+-renal vesicle like structures (c), LTL+- (d) and podocalyxin+-(e) epithelial structures. (Scale bar = 200 μm)