Fig 1. Nkx3.1:Cre; Pten Fl/Fl prostates appear normal at P0.
(A) A gene diagram of the alleles used to generate the Pten mutant animals with R26R reporter allele. R26R is Rosa26 Cre reporter strain. Black triangles denote the position of LoxP sites. Morphological changes such as budding are unaffected in mutant (F) compared to control (B) prostates as exhibited by β galactosidase staining. Whole mount in situ hybridization of Nkx3.1 shows expression in the mutant (G) similar to the control (C). Antibody staining on sections of P0 prostates demonstrates that PTEN is absent from epithelial buds in mutant (H) compared to control (D), and pAKT is not upregulated in mutant (I) relative to the control (E). Red arrows indicate prostatic buds, scale bars are as indicated. VP indicates ventral prostate, AP indicates anterior prostate and DLP indicates dorsal-lateral prostate.