FIG 6.
The templating t+2 binding pockets in the different FMDV 3D-RNA complexes. Conformational changes around the pocket, comparing the wild-type 3D-RNA (PDB accession number 1WNE) (A) and 3D(K20E)-RNA (B) structures, are shown in ball-and-stick representation. In panels C to F, the template channel pockets are shown as molecular surfaces, with the electrostatic potential shown in blue and red for the positive and negative charges, respectively, for the following: wild-type 3D-RNA complex (C), 3D(K20E)-RNA (D), 3D(K20A)-RNA (E), and 3D(K18E)-RNA (F). The template nucleotide t+2, occupying the pocket, is shown as atom type sticks.