Fig. 8.
[3H]dFBr photolabeling within α subunit. 3H (○, ⬤) and phenylthiohydantoin amino acids (⬜, ▪) released during sequence analyses of rpHPLC fractions 30–32 (A) and 27–29 (B) from the fractionation of Endolys-C digests of αV8-20 (Fig. 7B) and fractions 17–19 (C) from the purification of the Endolys-C digest of αV8-18 (Fig. 7C). (A) The primary sequence began at the N-terminus of αM2 (αMet243; 4 pmol each condition) with a contaminating peptide beginning at βM249 (∼0.5 pmol each condition). The peaks of Carb-enhanced 3H release in cycles 2, 5, and 9 indicate [3H]dFBr photolabeling −Carb/+Carb, in cpm/pmol) at αThr244 (αM2-2, 4/15), αIle247 (αM2-5, 11/36), αSer248 (αM2-6, 7/31), and αIle251 (αM2-9, 15/101). (B) The only sequence began at αHis186 (⬜−Carb/▪+Carb, 8/10 pmol), with Carb-inhibitable peaks of 3H release at cycles 5 and 13 indicating [3H]dFBr photolabeling at αTyr190 and αTyr198 (−Carb/+Carb, 12/1 and 19/2 cpm/pmol, respectively). (C) The pool of material in rpHPLC fractions 17–19 from Fig. 7C was sequenced with the sequencing filter treated before cycle 12 with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA), which prevents sequencing of peptides not containing a proline at that cycle (Middleton and Cohen, 1991). After OPA treatment, sequencing continued only for the fragment beginning at αLys77 (⬜-Carb/▪+Carb, 22/31 pmol) that contains αPro88 in cycle 12. The peak of 3H release in cycle 17 indicated [3H]dFBr photolabeling of αTyr93 (−Carb/+Carb, 3/0.1 cpm/pmol).