Table 4.
All fractures: β-coefficients for QALY loss at 12 months adjusted for fracture site, age, baseline quality of life, gender, education, fracture in last 5 years, hospitalisation and employment (full model with individual fracture sites)
All fractures | Hip | Wrist | Vertebral | Humerus | Ankle | ‘Other Fractures’ | Non-hip, non-wrist and non-vertebral | Non-hip non-vertebral | |
1-year QALY loss | N = 643, R 2 = 0.306 | N = 132, R 2 = 0.342 | N = 247, R 2 = 0.249 | N = 59, R 2 = 0.403 | N = 48, R 2 = 0.564 | N = 64, R 2 = 0.556 | N = 93, R 2 = 0.166 | N = 204, R 2 = 0.269 | N = 451, R 2 = 0.209 |
Baseline HRQOL utility index |
0.478 [0.410; 0.546] |
0.532 [0.371; 0.693] |
0.410 [0.314; 0.508] |
0.525 [0.265; 0.785] |
0.785 [0.496; 1.074] |
0.716 [0.478; 0.954] |
0.316 [0.111; 0.520] |
0.525 [0.392; 0.658] |
0.424 [0.342; 0.506] |
Male |
−0.015 [−0.044; 0.012] |
0.024 [−0.045; 0.094] |
−0.028 [−0.074; 0.018] |
−0.065 [−0.167; 0.036] |
−0.059 [−0.155; 0.038] |
−0.031 [−0.102; 0.041] |
0.045 [−0.030; 0.120] |
−0.017 [−0.063; 0.030] |
0.001 [−0.032; 0.034] |
Age (years) |
−0.0002 [−0.002; 0.001] |
0.0001 [−0.003; 0.004] |
−0.0005 [−0.003; 0.002] |
0.002 [−0.004; 0.007] |
−0.002 [−0.007; 0.003] |
−0.005 [−0.010; 0.0003] |
0.003 [−0.001; 0.007] |
<0.001 [−0.003; 0.003] |
−0.0004 [−0.002; 0.001] |
Fracture in last 5 years |
−0.005 [−0.037; 0.026] |
0.007 [−0.071; 0.086] |
0.002 [−0.046; 0.050] |
−0.014 [−0.139; 0.110] |
−0.068 [−0.184; 0.049] |
−0.074 [−0.152; 0.005] |
0.023 [−0.057; 0.103] |
−0.019 [−0.071; 0.033] |
−0.003 [−0.033; 0.039] |
Hospitalised |
0.030 [0.004; 0.055] |
0.0223 [−0.037; 0.084] |
0.018 [−0.018; 0.055] |
0.081 [−0.026; 0.189] |
0.050 [−0.067; 0.166] |
0.028 [−0.034; 0.090] |
0.038 [−0.037; 0.113] |
0.034 [−0.012; 0.079] |
0.032 [0.002; 0.061] |
Job pre-fracture |
0.010 [−0.024; 0.044] |
0.130 [0.014; 0.245] |
0.002 [-0.043; 0.048] |
-0.029 [-0.167; 0.108] |
0.029 [-0.119; 0.177] |
0.015 [-0.069; 0.100] |
-0.016 [-0.107; 0.062] |
0.002 [-0.056; 0.059] |
0.011 [-0.026; 0.048] |
Mid-high incomea |
−0.017 [−0.044; 0.010] |
−0.018 [−0.081; 0.045] |
−0.009 [−0.049; 0.030] |
0.130 [0.011; 0.248] |
−0.126 [−0.239; − 0.014] |
−0.091 [−0.170; −0.012] |
−0.030 [−0.108; −0.048] |
−0.052 [−0.101; −0.003] |
−0.032 [−0.064; 0.001] |
Education primaryb |
0.030 [−017; 0.077] |
0.071 [0.020; 0.161] |
−0.016 [−0.098; 0.066] |
0.033 [−0.125; 0.192] |
0.058 [−0.166; 0.282] |
0.088 [−0.223; 0.398] |
−0.054 [−0.174; 0.067] |
−0.018 [−0.110; 0.075] |
−0.006 [−0.070; 0.058] |
Post-secondary university |
−0.030 [−0.057; −0.004] |
−0.112 [−0.185; −0.039] |
−0.005 [−0.040; 0.031] |
−0.143 [−0.267; 0.019] |
−0.002 [−0.096; 0.092] |
−0.024 [−0.087; 0.040] |
−0.018 [−0.101; 0.065] |
0.011 [−0.057; 0.035] |
−0.010 [−0.040; −0.019] |
Hip (base wrist) |
0.128 [0.094; 0.164] |
Humerus |
0.072 [0.025; 0.120] |
Vertebral |
0.105 [0.061; 0.149] |
Ankle |
0.107 [0.064; 0.149] |
Other |
0.095 [0.058; 0.132] |
Constant |
−0.306 [−0.426; −0.185] |
−0.256 [−0.551; 0.038] |
−0.234 [−0.410; −0.058] |
−0.388 [−0.846; 0.071] |
−0.319 [−0.810; −0.172] |
−0.065 [−0.442; −0.311] |
−0.296 [−0.620; −0.027] |
−0.243 [−0.460; −0.026] |
−0.210 [−0.353; −0.067] |
95 % confidence interval for the beta co-efficient is enclosed in brackets; bold indicates significance at 95 %. Both collinearity between education and income and multi-collinearity between model regressors were low (coefficient of correlation range = 0.04–0.27; VIF range = 1.21–1.65)
QALY quality-adjusted life years assessed using EQ-5D, N the number of participants, R 2 adjusted R 2 of the regression equation
a,bControl groups are low income and secondary education respectively. ‘Other Fractures’ excludes hip, vertebral, wrist, ankle and humerus; Non-hip, non-wrist and non-vertebral excludes hip, vertebral and wrist fractures; Non-hip, non-vertebral refers to all fractures except hip and vertebral