Figure 3. Switching current distributions.
(a) Measurements of switching current distributions (SCDs) from 4 K down to 0.3 K. When increasing the temperature, the histograms move to lower values of switching currents Isw and the s.d. σ increases. Each histogram collects 104 switching events. (b) Thermal behaviour of the SCDs from 0.9 K down to 20 mK. The red lines are fits of the probability density of switching, according to equation (2) in the case of a dominant second harmonic component in the current-phase relation (CPR). Below 100 mK the histograms overlap, indicating the transition to the quantum regime, definitely confirmed by the their dependence in magnetic field. In panel c the function a(g) is plotted (black curve) and the red line is the value of the function in the limiting case of a pure second harmonic (CPR).