Table 2. General information on the host sequences used in the current study.
species | GenBank | mtDNA lineage | mt haplotype |
St | AY185571 1 | Danube | Da3 |
St | AY185572 | Danube | Da9 |
St | AY185575 | Danube | Da23b |
St | AF273086 1 | Atlantic | H1 |
St | AF273087 | Atlantic | H2 |
St | EF530495 | Atlantic | ATcs33 |
St | EF530513 1 | Duero | DUcs1 |
St | EF530514 | Duero | DUcs2 |
St | EF530515 | Duero | DUcs3 |
St | AY836350 1 | Mediterranean | MEcs1 |
St | AY836351 | Mediterranean | MEcs2 |
St | AY836352 | Mediterranean | MEcs3 |
St | AY8363301 | Adriatic | ADcs1 |
St | AY836331 | Adriatic | ADcs2 |
St | AY836332 | Adriatic | ADcs3 |
Ss | U12143 1 | - | - |
Ss | JQ390056 | - | - |
Ss | AF133701 | - | - |
St—S. trutta, Ss—S. salar. The mtDNA haplotypes refer to the haplotype names given in the initial publications.
1 sequence used in host-parasite association analyses