(a) PSD-95GK mice showed less CS-related IL single-unit activity than WT controls during recent (left panel) and remote (right panel) fear memory retrieval. Insets show first 100 millisecond timebins. (b) PSD-95GK mice had fewer phasic CS-related IL single-units than WT controls during recent and remote retrieval. (c) IL single-unit activity correlated positively with freezing during remote retrieval. (d) IL single-unit burst activity increased during the CS in both genotypes during recent retrieval, but only in WT mice during remote retrieval. (e) PSD-95GK mice showed lower gamma and theta oscillations than WT controls, on recent and remote retrievals. (f) Representative perievent spectrograms showing the gamma and theta frequency spectra around CS-onset. For gamma panels, darkest blue=0 mV2*s and darkest red=2e−5. For theta panels, darkest blue=0 and darkest red=4e−4 mV2*s. Data are means ±SEM. n=6 mice per genotype, n=74–87 single-units per genotype. *P<.05 vs. WT/same time point, #P<.05 vs. pre-CS/same genotype