Myeloid NG2-positive cells in the spinal cord. Dual staining for NG2 (red) with anti-CD11b or anti-CD68 (green) antibodies in the dorsal spinal cord on day 7 after bilateral SNC or sham nerve operation. T9 to T10 SCDH (epicenter; day 3) is used as positive control. Process-bearing NG2-positive/CD11b-positive cell (presumably microglia) numbers increased after SNC compared with sham. Neuronal-glial antigen 2–positive/CD68-positive cells (macrophages/microglia) are few in the SNC and Sham groups (SNC is shown). In contrast to the spinal cord associated with SNC, the direct SCDH lesion epicenter displays numerous NG2/CD68-positive cells with morphologic features of macrophages. DAPI, blue. Representative micrographs of 3 animals per group. Scale bar = 25 µm.