All MLSFH rounds |
Survey data: Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of respondents, social and economic context, linkages with spouse data, vital status and migration/absence at time of MLSFH survey. Geocoded respondent residences since 2004; regional market and rainfall data |
MLSFH 1 (1998) |
Survey data: Childbearing and fertility desires; attitudes about and use of family planning methods; conversational networks about family planning and HIV/AIDS (see Appendix A6.1); gender attitudes and female autonomy; HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and risk perceptions; sexual behaviours and HIV risk reduction strategies |
MLSFH 2 (2001) |
Survey data: Mostly identical to MLSFH 1 (1998), plus social participation, marriage and sexual partnership histories (see Appendix A6.4). |
MLSFH 3 (2004) |
Survey data: Similar to MLSFH 2 (2001), plus: household rosters with data on household membership and health/schooling/morbidity and marital status of household members; measures of religious activities/affiliations; social capital and basic data on transfer and exchange networks; time use; household expenditures on health and schooling; AIDS-related stigma. No longer included: fertility histories and childbearing desires; detailed data about use of and attitudes to family planning methods |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomonas infections (see Appendix A3.1) |
Other: Randomized experimental design offering financial incentives for learning HIV status (see Appendix A3.1) |
MLSFH 4 (2006) |
Survey data: Similar to MLSFH 3, plus: SF-12 self-reported health questionnaire; probabilistic expectations about health and HIV-risks (see Appendix A6.3); subjective discount rate; HIV testing history; audio-CASI interview for sensitive behaviours; intergenerational transfers and transfers with community members (see Appendix A6.2); mortality of household/family members. No longer included were conversational networks about family planning and religion |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV (see Appendix A3.2) |
Other: Initiation of MLSFH Incentive Study, a randomized experiment offering financial incentives for maintaining HIV-negative status (see Appendix A6.6) |
MLSFH Incentive Study 2006–07 |
Survey data: Four rounds of sexual diaries providing detailed day-to-day data on sexual behaviours during a 9-day period prior to the interview (see Appendix A6.6) |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV in 2007 (after 3rd round of sexual diary collection) |
MLSFH 4 migration follow-up (2007) |
Migration follow-up: with all ever-interviewed MLSFH respondents not interviewed during MLSFH 4 (2006) due to migration and/or temporary absence (see Appendix A2.2) |
Survey data: Similar to MLSFH 4, plus detailed questions about migration history and migration reasons |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV (see Appendix A3.3) |
MLSFH 5 (2008) |
Survey data: Human capital, including schooling, self-reported SF-12 questionnaire module on physical and mental health, subjective well-being; household production and consumption, including standard of living, household assets, time use, health expenditure; social capital, including intergenerational/intrafamilial transfers and help relationships, transfer relationships with community members, participation in community associations; expectations, risk perceptions and attitudes, including probabilistic expectations about HIV risks and survival (see Appendix A6.3 and AIDS-related attitudes and knowledge; biographic information, including marriage and partnership histories (see Appendix A6.4), extra- and pre-marital relationships, partner characteristics. No longer included: conversational networks about AIDS |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV (see Appendix A3.3) |
MLSFH Biomarker Study (2009) |
Focused on selected subset of MLSFH respondents residing in Balaka (N = 982) and collected biomarkers of inflammation, cardiovascular risks, metabolic processes and organ function (see Appendix A6.7) |
Survey data: Health; illnesses and pain experienced by respondent, and household members; illnesses experienced by family members; water source; diet/nutrition |
Biomarkers: Biomarkers for wide-range CRP, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, total protein, urea, albumin, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, random blood glucose and HbA1c, collected using the LabAnywhere (previously Demecal) System (LabAnywhere, Haarlem, The Netherlands)5
Other: Height, weight and body mass index (BMI) |
MLSFH 6 (2010) |
Survey data: Same as MLSFH 5 (2008). |
MLSFH 7 (2012) |
Follow-up survey focused on MLSFH mature adults aged 45 and older focused on mental heath, cognition and well-being (see Appendix A6.8) |
Survey data: Similar to MLSFH 6 (2010), plus measures of depression and anxiety, measures of spatial/temporal orientation and language, measures of memory/recall and executive functioning, alcohol consumption |
Biomarkers: Testing and counselling for HIV (see Appendix A3.3) |
Other: Grip strength (both hands), height, weight and BMI |
MLSFH qualitative and related contextual data |
Qualitative interviews on sexual attitudes and behaviours; qualitative data on HTC, HIV risks and investments in children; ethnographic studies of public conversations about AIDS in informal settings; detailed village characteristics and local infrastructure data; GPS data for all respondents; condom prices and local market prices of key crops and commodities |