Effect of collecting duct-specific Rhbg deletion on response to dietary protein restriction. Top: urinary ammonia response. Dietary protein restriction induced a rapid decrease in urinary ammonia in mice with collecting duct-specific Rhbg deletion and in control, Cre-negative littermates. There was no significant difference in urinary ammonia excretion between control, Cre-negative littermates and mice with collecting duct-specific Rhbg deletion, either under basal conditions or following initiation of 6% protein diet. Bottom: urinary pH changes. There was no significant difference in urinary pH in the different genotypes, either under basal conditions or following initiation of dietary protein restriction. *P < 0.05, 20 vs. 6% protein diet in Cre negative mice; #P < 0.05, 20 vs. 6% protein diet in CD-Rhbg-knockout (KO) mice; n = 4/group on 20% protein and 6% protein diet on Cre-negative littermates and n = 6/group on 20% protein, n = 7/group on 6% protein diet on CD-Rhbg-KO mice.