Figure 1.
Identification of a novel regulator of dendrite growth. (A,B) Growth control in da neurons. (A) Traces of representative C1da and C4da neurons in first instar and third instar larvae. (B) Plots depicting C1da (green) and C4da (blue) dendrite growth during larval development. Points mark measurements from individual neurons. n = 10 for each time point. (C–E) path regulates dendrite growth in C4da neurons. (C) dg50 is dispensable for larval growth. (Left) Wild-type and dg50 mutant larvae at 120 h after egg laying (AEL). (Right) Weight of wild-type and dg50 mutant larvae. Mean and standard deviation for five independent measurements (80 larvae each) are shown. (D) Time course of dendrite growth in C4da neurons (ppk-CD4-tdTomato) at 36, 48, 72, and 96 h AEL in wild-type control and dg50 mutants. (E) Mean total dendrite length and primary dendrite length (in millimeters) of individual ddaC C4da neurons of the indicated genotype at the indicated times are shown. n = 10 neurons for each time point. Traces of representative C4da neurons from 120 h AEL wild-type and dg50 mutant larvae are shown with primary dendrites shaded in magenta. (F,G) Effects of dg50 on dendrite growth in different classes of da neurons. (F) Dendrites of C1da neurons (Gal498b, UAS-CD4-tdGFP) and C3da neurons (ss-myrGFP) in wild-type control and dg50 mutant larvae are shown. (G) Mean total dendrite length of C1da and C3da neurons of the indicated genotypes. n = 10 neurons for each. (*) P < 0.05; (**) P < 0.01; (***) P < 0.001; (ns) not significant compared with wild-type controls; one-way ANOVA with a post-hoc Dunnett's test. In this and all subsequent figures, dorsal is up, and anterior is left. Bars, 50 μm. (H) Schematic depicting the path locus, including alleles used in this study, Path polypeptides that differ by 13 amino acids at the N terminus (red), and path transgenes used in this study. Boxes indicate transmembrane domains, and the gray dashed line represents a membrane.