Theme |
Definition |
Findings |
Implications |
Parenting tasks are an avenue to self-efficacy and confidence (Barry et al, 2010; Benzies et al., 2008; Coleman et al., 2002; Davis et al., 2009; Fagan & Palkovitz, 2011; Leerkes & Burney, 2007) |
Description of the ways in which parental tasks influence parents’ perception of their own competence in the parenting role |
Maternal PSE predicted by her prenatal sense of self-efficacy; Paternal PSE predicted by involvement in childcare tasks and social support; PSE level influences satisfaction & stress in parenting role, as well as interactions with child |
The work parents do in caring for their young child can improve their confidence in their ability, their perception of self-efficacy as a parent, and their connection to their child; nurses are in a position to provide anticipatory guidance and coaching |
Parenting includes hands-on work, as well as the intangible work of behavior and emotion regulation (Cappa et al., 2011; Combs-Orme et al, 2002; Cipriano & Stifter, 2010; Lesane-Brown et al., 2010; Mirabile et al, 2009) |
The actions and behaviors parents assume in caring for their children, including teaching the child how to respond appropriately to negative emotions or provocative situations |
Infant care is described more than care of toddlers & preschoolers; parenting work needs to be examined through a contextualized lens (i.e. child developmental stage); findings demonstrate influence of child and parent upon one another |
Nurses can understand parenting goals, beliefs, & behaviors by asking about this work; nurses can encourage parents to promote emotion regulation through direct coaching, role modeling, and understanding child's temperament well enough to alter the environment |
Parenting includes distribution and allocation of child care work both inside and outside the family and influences role development (Barry et al., 2010; Cowdery & Knudson-Martin, 2005; DeCaro & Worthman, 2007; Ehrenberg et al., 2001; Milkie et al., 2010; Rose & Elicker, 2012) |
How child care is carried out in the family, expectations maintained by family of who fulfills such roles, the work of finding/selecting parent extenders when both parents work outside the home, & how time is spent as a family |
Traditional conceptualization of gender roles may not fit the needs of modern families; more discussion of shared parenting since 1995; less focus on fathers as providers of child care in family (versus mothers) |
Doing child care tasks may create & enhance parent-child bond, therefore nurses can coach new and experienced parents in childcare tasks; nurses can ask both parents about how childcare is done in the family |