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. 2015 Jun 17;10(6):e0127972. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127972

Table 1. Reference parameter set.

The entire model is available at—listed as Emergent Stratification Model. For an explanation of the effective units of these parameters see text.

Parameter description Value
Lattice Dimension 500x500x1
Cell Mambrane Fluctuation (T m) 50
Voxel Copy Neighbor Order 3
Simulation Duration (in MCS) 1000001
Initial density of FN molecule in Medium, see Eq (8) 16.0
Initial density of Cad molecule in PCancer, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Int molecule in PCancer, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Cad molecule in QCancer, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Int molecule in QCancer, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Cad molecule in PStem, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Int molecule in PStem, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Cad molecule in QStem, see Eq (8) 8.0
Initial density of Int molecule in QStem, see Eq (8) 8.0
Cad-Cad binding parameter—k m, n, see Eq (8) 2.0
Int-FN binding parameter—k m, n, see Eq (8) 0.2
Glucose diffusion constant, see Eq (15) 13500.0
Glucose decay constant, see Eq (15) 0.45
QStem glucose max. uptake rate, see Eq (14) 1.69
QStem Michaelis-Menten-Coefficient, see Eq (14) 0.00256
PStem glucose max. uptake rate, see Eq (14) 2.25
PStem Michaelis-Menten coefficient, see Eq (14) 0.00256
QCancer glucose max. uptake rate, see Eq (14) 1.69
QCancer Michaelis-Menten-Coefficient, see Eq (14) 0.00256
PCancer glucose max. uptake rate, see Eq (14) 2.25
PCancer Michaelis-Menten coefficient, see Eq (14) 0.00256
Uniform glucose secretion rate—Medium 0.145
Initial target volume (ip.Vo) 16.0
Initial target surface (ip.S0) 16.0
Lambda volume—λσvol (ip.LBD_V0) 15.0
Lambda surface—λσsur (ip.LBD_S0) 5.0
Growth-rate factor (ip.incvol)—k see Eq (21) 0.2
Shrinkage-rate factor (ip.decvol)—δVNecrotic see Eq (25) 0.01
Cancer-cell doubling volume (self.volmaxmit) 32
Stem-cell doubling volume (self.Svolmaxmit) 32
Maximum number of divisions (ip.maxdiv) 8
Probablilty of daughter cell becoming stem cell (ip.probstem) 0.2
Probability of cadherin mutation—p m (ip.probmut) 0.1
Width (δ d = δ am) of cadherin value distribution function, see Eq (26) 2.0
Initial relaxation threshold (ip.MCSThr) 50
Concentration threshold for PCancer cells’ growth (ip.PGrThr0) 0.032
Concentration threshold for PStem cells’ growth (ip.SGrThr0) 0.032
PCancer-to-Necrotic-transition damage threshold (ip.PNeThr0) 102.0
QCancer-to-Necrotic-transition damage threshold (ip.QNeThr0) 204.0
PStem-to-Necrotic-transition damage threshold (ip.SNeThr0) 408.0
QStem-to-Necrotic-transition damage threshold (ip.QSNeThr0) 916.0
QCancer-to-PCancer-transition health threshold (ip.QPThr0) 79.5
QStem-to-PStem-transition health threshold (ip.QSSThr0) 79.5
Damage accumulation threshold (ip.GluD) 0.0032