Figure 2. DLK-1 is required for establishing dorsal synapses during DD remodeling.
(A) (Top) Progress of DD remodeling at 20°C from L1 (6 hph) to adult stages (56 hph) using juIs137. V: Synaptic puncta observed only along the VNC; V+D: synaptic puncta observed along both the VNC and DNC; D: synaptic puncta only along the DNC. n=10 animals per genotype for each time point. (Bottom) Schematic of DD remodeling. In WT, DD synapses are completely ventral (V) in the L1 stage, V+D in the L2 stage and then completely dorsal (D) after the L3 stage.
(B) juIs137 intensity in the DNC during remodeling in WT and tba-1(gf) dlk-1(0) animals. Data are mean ± SEM; n=6 animals for each genotype per time point. Statistics: 2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttests; *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
(C) Rescue of DD remodeling defects in adult worms upon induction of DLK-1 at various larval stages in WT and tba-1(gf) dlk-1(0); n=20 animals per genotype for each time point.
(D) Representative images of synapse location in an adult tba-1(gf) dlk-1(0) animal with no DLK-1 induction, DLK-1 induction at L2 stage (22 hph) and early L3 stage (28 hph). White arrows indicate the location of synaptic vesicles; dashed white line, the DNC; and white asterisks, DD cell bodies. Scale bar: 10 μm.