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. 2015 May 19;5(5):e569. doi: 10.1038/tp.2015.60

Table 1. Disc1tr Hemi mutation-induced alterations in regional centrality.

Region Centrality measure Wild type Disc1tr Hemi
Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
 Ventral orbital (VO) Degree −1.04 2.43*
 Lateral orbital (LO) Degree −1.05 3.96*
 Anterior prelimbic (aPrL) Degree −3.14 0.54*
 Anteromedial thalamus (AMthal) Degree −2.31 2.40**
 Dorsal reticular (dRT) Degree 1.78 −3.44*
  Eigenvector 1.58 −3.93*
 CA1 Eigenvector 1.68 −3.51*
Septum/diagonal band of Broca
 Horizontal limb DB (HDB) Betweenness −1.22 4.58*
 Habenula (Hab) Degree 1.78 −3.28*
  Eigenvector 1.52 −3.97*
 Corpus callosum (CC) Betweenness −1.32 4.48*

Data shown as the z-score value for the given centrality measure in the real network as compared with that in 11 000 calibrated random Erdös–Rényi networks. Bold denotes those regions defined as important hubs (z>1.96) or exteriorities (z<−1.96) in the relevant network. The significance of Disc1tr Hemi-induced alterations in regional importance was determined by comparing the real z-score difference between the groups relative to that of 11 000 random permutations of the raw data.

*P<0.05 and **P<0.01 denotes significant difference in centrality relative to wild type control. Full data for each centrality measure are shown in the Supplementary Table S3.