Figure 5.
Addiction of ketamine induces changes in neuronal dendritic morphology. In NAc medium spiny neurons: all treatment groups restored decreased dendritic length (all P<0.01) (a); increase in SD in IMP, IMP-KET, FLX-KET (P<0.01) and FLX (P<0.05) treatment groups (b); increase of MS population (IMP-KET and FLX-KET) compared with the animals given only antidepressant (IMP and KET) (c). IL apical dendrites recover from decreased dendritic length (d). In IL apical dendrites, FLX (P<0.001) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) increased (e). IL basal dendrites, treatment with IMP-KET (P<0.01), IMP (P<0,05) and FLX-KET (P<0,001) induced a reversion of dendritic shortening (g). In IL basal dendrites, FLX-KET increased SD over FLX alone (h). Both IMP-KET and FLX-KET have increase in MS population in apical and basal dendrites when compared with IMP (P<0.05) and FLX (P<0.01) alone (f and i). In DG hippocampal neurons: IMP-KET (P<0.001), IMP and FLX-KET (both P<0.05) reverse the shortening in DG dendritic length (j); FLX and FLX-KET (P<0.001) increased SD (k); KET (P<0.001), IMP (P<0.01), IMP-KET (P<0.001), FLX (P<0.01) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) restored MS (l). In hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons: KET (P<0.001), IMP-KET (P<0.001) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) recovered basal dendritic length and FLX-KET produced increase in basal dendritic length compared with FLX alone (P<0.01) (p); KET (P<0.05), IMP-KET (P<0.001), FLX (P<0.05) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) induced recovery in apical dendrites, both IMP-KET and FLX-KET promoted a higher regrowth than IMP (P>0.001) and FLX (P>0.001) (m). Addition of KET to FLX treatment increases SD (P<0.001) in apical dendritic tree (n) and KET (P<0.01), IMP-KET (P<0.01) and FLX-KET (P<0.01) increased the amount of MS (o); In CA3 basal dendrites all treated groups had a increase in SD (q); treatment with KET (P<0.001), IMP-KET (P<0.001) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) produced an increase in MS and IMP-KET (P<0.01) and FLX-KET (P<0.001) induce higher MS population than IMP and FLX (r). DG, dentate gyrus; FLX, fluoxetine; IMP, imipramine; KET, ketamine; MS, mushroom spine; NAc, nucleus accumbens; SD, spinal density. Mean±s.e.m., n=5, *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.