Figure 2.
Production of cycloclavine (6) in yeast. a) i) Total ion current (TIC) chromatogram from S. cerevisiae expressing the entire cycloclavine cluster; ii) chromatogram showing the compound produced by an engineered strain of S. cerevisiae with an extracted [M+H]+ value of 239.154; iii) chromatogram showing cycloclavine (6) from Aspergillus japonicus with the same mass. b) Extracted ion chromatograms ([M+H]+=239.154) and mass fragmentations of compounds from i, iii) S. cerevisiae, expressing the cycloclavine cluster, and ii, iv) the native producer A. japonicus. c) Fermentation of S. cerevisiae, with the production of a final titer of 529 mg L−1 of cycloclavine (6) and 89 mg L−1 of festuclavine (4).