Effect of ulinastatin lavage at 62.5 U/ml on survival time. (A) MUL versus SL. (B) MUL versus UHUL. (C) MUL versus IU. At concentrations of 62.5 U/ml (MUL group) the effect of ulinastatin lavage was superior to that observed with SL (P<0.01). The therapeutic effects were attenuated at 250 U/ml (UHUL group) compared with the MUL group (P<0.05). The IU (2,500 U/100g) also showed a beneficial effect (P<0.01) on the median survival time, but less so than the MUL. MUL, medium-dose ulinastatin lavage; UHUL, ultrahigh-dose ulinastatin lavage; IU, intravenous ulinastatin without lavage; SL, saline lavage.