(a) A new structure of T. maritima SecA with bound ADP was determined at 1.9 Å resolution. Shown is the main chain with NBD1 colored in blue, NBD2 in cyan, PPXD in green, HWD in orange, and HSD in red. The two β-strands connecting NBD1 and PPXD are highlighted in yellow. Bound ADP is shown in stick representation (in magenta).
(b) Comparison of the new T. maritima SecA-ADP structure (in light purple) with a previous SecA-ADP structure from the same species (PDB accession code: 3JUX, in beige). The alignment is based on NBD1. The hinge for the movement of PPXD, HSD, and HWD is indicated by the yellow circle.
(c) Superposition of the new structure with other T. maritima SecA structures. The alignment is based on NBD1. The PPXDs are shown in different colors: the new structure - light purple; PDB 3JUX - beige; PDB 3DIN - red.