The 18S rRNA m7G and modifications are conserved in S. cerevisiae and Homo sapiens. (A) Secondary structure of the 18S rRNA. The insets illustrate conservation of rRNA sequence and secondary structure near the N7-methylguanosine (m7G) modification introduced by Bud23-Trm112 in yeast and WBSCR22-TRMT112 in humans and in the vicinity of the two N6,N6-dimethyladenosines
synthesized by Dim1 in yeast and DIMT1L in humans. Modified nucleotide positions are highlighted in red. The 5′, central (C), 3′ major (3′ M), and 3′ minor (3′ m) domains are indicated. (B) Three-dimensional representation of the yeast small subunit (model based on Protein Data Bank entry 3U5B) with posttranscriptional modifications and functional sites highlighted. The decoding site (DCS, in cyan) at the base of helix 44 (in anthracite) and the mRNA entry (green circle) and exit (red circle) sites are indicated. Residues shown as green and red spheres are 2′-O methylated or pseudouridylated, respectively. Bd, body; Bk, beak; H, head; Lf, left foot; Nk, neck; Pt; platform, Rf, right foot; Sh, shoulder.