(A) PSDs of the RBC flickers using the fast-Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, PSD(ω) = {FFT[h(t)]}2, for healthy cells (dysh) (red region), drugged cells (dysd) (blue region), and fixed cells (cyan region). Vertical bars correspond to experimental data; lines indicate theoretical predictions (see Eqs. S3.3 and S3.4 for the pure thermal spectrum (dashed lines) and the thermal spectrum plus the active component arising from direct cytoskeletal forces (with 5% residual activity in the passive case) (solid lines)). (B) Time evolution of the experimental PSDs of RBC flickers under KF treatment. (C) KF-passivation kinetics measured as the decrease in effective temperature calculated from the data in (B) interpolated at different frequencies. To see this figure in color, go online.