FIG 7.
Impact of the performance of the different manual (MAN1 and MAN2) and automated inoculation InoqulA (INO1 and INO2) and WASP (WAS1 and WAS2) systems on the time to results and laboratory costs. (A) One discrete colony was required to perform identification by MALDI-TOF MS at day 1 postinoculation. Reisolation was performed when at least one colony was not obtained, leading to a delayed time to results of 1 working day (ID report at day 2). An additional laboratory cost of 3.3 EUR (3.6 USD) per reisolation was calculated for each subculture, and the results were extrapolated to 100 samples for clarity. (B) A minimum number of 6 discrete colonies grown on BBL chromogenic agar was required (i) to perform an ID by MALDI-TOF MS and (ii) to make a bacterial suspension in 2 ml of saline solution equivalent to a 0.5 McFarland standard turbidity to complete AST at day 1 and to report the results at day 2. Thus, each sample containing <6 colonies needed reisolation, leading to a delayed time to AST results of 1 working day (AST report at day 3). Similar to identification, an additional laboratory cost of 3.3 EUR (3.6 USD) per reisolation was calculated for each subculture, and the results were extrapolated to 100 samples for simplicity.