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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Dec 1.
Published in final edited form as: Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2014 Oct 11;13(12):1667–1698. doi: 10.1517/14740338.2014.970164

Table 1.

Cohort studies investigating association between antihistamines and birth defects included in systematic review (n=31)

Author, Year Setting Antihistamines studied Comparison
Birth defects
Total # pregnancies;
# exposed; # unexposed
# Birth defects among
exposed and unexposed
Measures of
Aselton et al. 198525* United States (Washington, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound), 1980-1982 Diphenhydramine, triprolidine + pseudoephedrine, chlorpheniramine, brompheniramine, promethazine; use during first trimester Baseline risk in total cohort Pharmacy claims data from Group Health Cooperative Any major birth defect ascertained through hospital discharge data with medical record reviews for suspected cases; clinical geneticist review of selected records Total pregnancies: 6,509; diphenhydramine: 270; triprolidine + pseudoephedrine: 244; chlorpheniramine: 175; brompheniramine + phenylephrine + phenylpropanolamine: 172; promethazine: 63; phenylpropanolamine + chlorpheniramine: 82 Diphenhydramine: 4/270 (1.5%); triprolidine + pseudoephedrine: 3/244 (1.3%); chlorpheniramine: 2/175 (1.1%); brompheniramine + phenylephrine + phenylpropanolamine: 5/172 (2.9%); promethazine: 0/63 (0%); phenylpropanolamine + chlorpheniramine: 2/82 (2.4%); baseline risk of birth defects: 16 per 1,000 (1.6%) Not calculated
Ashkenazi-Hoffnung et al. 201320 Israel Teratogen Information Service, 2008-2010 Doxylamine + pyridoxine; use typically began during first trimester Women taking metoclopramide Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through follow-up interview with mothers up to two years after initial inquiry Total pregnancies: 58 (59 infants); doxylamine + pyridoxine: 29; metoclopramide: 29 Doxylamine + pyridoxine: 0/29; metoclopramide: 1/29 (3.4%) Not calculated
Asker et al. 200513 Sweden, 1995-2002 Meclizine; cyclizine; promethazine; diphenhydramine; use during first, second, and/or third trimester Baseline risk in total cohort Interview at first prenatal care visit (~10-12 weeks gestation) captured first trimester exposures; drugs prescribed during prenatal care were documented prospectively in medical record; analysis focused on first trimester use Any major birth defect ascertained through record linkage with other national databases Total pregnant women: 665,572 (676,198 infants); first trimester exposure: meclizine: 18,008; cyclizine: 1,221; promethazine:1,961; diphenhydramine: 147; Any antiemetic: 3.1%; meclizine: 3.1%; cyclizine: 3.6%; promethazine: 3.2% diphenhydramine: 1.1% Baseline risk of birth defects: 3.5%; Adjusted OR (95% CI) for exposure anytime during pregnancy and any birth defect: meclizine: 0.89 (0.82-0.96); cyclizine: 1.08 (0.86-1.35); promethazine: 0.91 (0.75-1.11); diphenhydramine: not calculated
Boskovic et al. 200421 Canada Teratogen Information Service (Motherisk), 2001-2003 Doxylamine + pyridoxine: standard dose and “supradose”; use typically began late in the first trimester (mean: 9 ± 2 weeks gestation)
Note: Primary exposure of interest was lack of morning sickness
Pregnancies without NVP Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about first trimester exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through postnatal follow-up interview with mother; maternal reporting of birth defects verified by written report requested from pediatrician NVP + standard dose of doxylamine + pyridoxine: 122; NVP + “supradose” of doxylamine + pyridoxine: 124 No NVP: 130 NVP + standard dose of doxylamine + pyridoxine: 2/122 (1.6%); NVP + “supradose” of doxylamine + pyridoxine: 0/124; No NVP in pregnancy: 0/130 Not calculated
Bsat et al. 200328 United States (Clinical outpatient setting), 1994-1996 Promethazine; use typically began late in the first trimester (mean: 8.6 ± 2 weeks gestation) Women taking B6-metoclopramide or prochlorperazine Administered through randomized clinical trial Any major birth defect; method of ascertainment not stated Singleton pregnanices: 156; promethazine: 52 B6-metoclopramide: 54 prochlorperazine: 50 Promethazine: 0/52 B6-metoclopramide: 0/54;prochlorperazine: 1/50 Not calculated
Colin Jones et al. 198559 Scotland, 1978-1979 Cimetidine; use anytime during pregnancy Unexposed to cimetidine Prescriptions reported by general practitioners Any “abnormal children” reported by general practitioners Total pregnancies:42; cimetidine: 20; unexposed: 22 Cimetidine: 1/20 (5%); unexposed: 0/22 Not calculated
Diav-Citrin et al. 200329 Israel, Teratogen Information Service, 1995-2001 (loratadine exposure); 1990-2001 (comparison populations) Loratadine; other antihistamines (astemizole, chlorpheniramine, terfenadine, hydroxyzine, promethazine);use during first trimester and anytime during pregnancy Exposed to NTS Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through postnatal follow-up interview with mother, typically within one year after delivery Total pregnancies:1,406; loratadine: 210; OAH: 267; NTS: 929
[Note: these numbers differ from the number of exposed with pregnancy outcome information due to loss to follow-up]
Anytime during pregnancy: Loratadineloratadine: 4/175 (2.3%), OAH: 10/247 (4.0%), NTS: 25/844 (3.0%);
During first trimester: loratadine: 1/126 (0.8%), OAH: 7/146 (4.8%), NTS:25/844 (3.0%)
Unadjusted RR (95% CI) for exposure anytime during pregnancy: loratadine vs. OAH: 0.56 (0.18-1.77); loratadine vs. NTS: 0.77 (0.27-2.19); for first trimester exposure: loratadine vs. OAH: 0.17 (0.02-1.33); loratadine vs. NTS: 0.27 (0.04-1.94)
Einarson et al. 199722 Canada Teratogen Information Service (Motherisk), 1989-1994; Hydroxyzine, cetirizine; use during first trimester and entire pregnancy Unexposed to antihistamines; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through maternal self-report during postnatal follow-up telephone interview; outcomes of interest confirmed whenever possible by the child's pediatrician. Hydroxyzine: 81 (43 with first trimester exposure and live births); cetirizine: 39 (33 with first trimester exposure and live births); unexposed: 120 Hydroxyzine: 2/43 (4.6%); cetirizine: 0/33; unexposed: 0/120 Not calculated
Erez et al. 197123 Turkey, 1967-1969 Hydroxyzine; administered twice daily for 3 weeks during first two months of pregnancy Placebo Administered through double-blind placebo controlled trial Any major birth defect ascertained by study pediatrician and obstetrician examining each delivered infant within 40 hours after birth (115 out of 150 were followed up until delivery) Total pregnancies: 150; hydroxyzine: 100; placebo: 50 Hydroxyzine: 1/100 (1%); placebo: 0/50 Not calculated
Garbis et al. 200560 European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS), 1990-1997 for exposed cohort; 1990-1999 for unexposed cohort H2-receptor antagonists: ranitidine (n=335), cimetidine (n=113); famotidine (n=75); nizatidine (n=15); roxatidine (n=15); use anytime during pregnancy though most were exposed during first trimester Exposed to NTS Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called one of the 18 participating TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained by each center through follow-up interview with the mother within a year of estimated date of delivery. H2-receptor antagonists: 635; (lost to follow-up: 82; followed for pregnancy outcome: 553); NTS: 1,390 H2-receptor antagonists: 13/553 (2.7%); NTS: 44/1,390 (3.5%) Unadjusted RR (95% CI) for H2-receptor antagonist use at any time during pregnancy and any major birth defect: 0.78 (0.42 - 1.44)
Jick et al. 198126* United States (Washington, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound), 1977-1979 Triprolidine hydrochloride + pseudoephedrine hydrochloride; diphenhydramine; use during first trimester Baseline risk in total cohort Pharmacy records Any major birth defect identified from hospital discharge codes; all potential cases had medical records review to confirm diagnosis Total pregnancies: 6,837; triprolidine + pseudoephedrine: 384; diphenhydramine: 361 Triprolidine + pseudoephedrine: 6/384 (16 per 1,000); diphenhydramine: 1/361 (3 per 1,000); baseline risk of birth defects: 11.7 per 1,000 (1.2%) Not calculated
Källén and Mottet, 200319 Sweden, 1995-2001 Meclizine; use during early pregnancy (~before 10-12 weeks gestation) Unexposed to meclizine Exposure during “early pregnancy” ascertained prospectively during prenatal care by midwives, typically by 10-12 weeks gestation Spectrum of major birth defects ascertained through linkage with other national databases Total pregnancies: 540,660 (549,569 infants); meclizine: 16,536 Meclizine: 524/16,536 (3.16%); prevalence among unexposed not stated Unadjusted OR (95% CI) for any birth defect identified in the Medical Birth Registry: 0.91 (0.83-0.99); table 6 shows observed/expected analyses (RRs and 95% CIs) for several selected defects; none are significantly elevated or decreased; potential signals for anal atresia (2.29; 0.99-4.50) and body wall defect (2.33; 0.94-4.81)
Källén and Olausson, 200130 Sweden, 1995-2001 Loratadine; use during early pregnancy (~before 10-12 weeks gestation) Baseline risk in total cohort Exposure during “early pregnancy” ascertained prospectively during prenatal care by midwives; for cases, medical records were gathered to validate exposure though timing of loratadine use was not well-reported and unreliable. Hypospadias as documented by ICD codes in the Swedish ; Registry of Congenital Malformations Total pregnancies: 540,660 (549,569 infants); loratadine: 2,780 Loratadine: 15/2,780 (0.5%) baseline hypospadias prevalence: 1/500; Adjusted OR (95% CI) for association between loratadine exposure and hypospadias: 2.39 (1.43-3.38) if the twins were counted separately and 2.27 (1.33-3.87) if the twins were counted as a single occurrence.
Källén and Olausson, 200631 Sweden, 1995-2004 Loratadine; use during early pregnancy (~before 10-12 weeks gestation) Expected number of hypospadias cases in birth population exposed to loratadine Exposure during “early pregnancy” ascertained prospectively during prenatal care typically by 10-12 weeks gestation by midwives Hypospadias as documented by ICD codes in the Swedish Registry of Congenital Malformations and Hospital Discharge Register Updating of 2001 analysis: loratadine (1995-2001): 2,780; loratadine (2002-2004): 1,911 Prevalence of hypospadias among women exposed to loratadine: 1995-2001: 25/2,780 (0.9 %), 2002-2004: 2/1,911(0.1%), 1995-2004 combined: 27/4,691 (0.6%); expected number of hypospadias cases in birth population exposed to loratadine: 1995-2001:12.5, 2002-2004:4.3; 1995-2004 combined: 16.8. Calculated ratio of observed to expected (95% CI) using an exact Poisson distribution; for re-analysis of 1995-2001 data: 2.0 (1.29-2.95); for 2002-2004: 0.47 (0.06-1.68); for 1995-2004: 1.61 (1.04-2.34)
Källén, 199861 Sweden, 1995-1996 H2-receptor antagonists (included cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, nizatidine, cimetidine + famotidine, ranitidine + famotidine); use during early pregnancy (~before 10-12 weeks gestation) Baseline risk in total cohort Maternal self-report of medication used before first prenatal visit at 10-12 weeks gestation Any major birth defect ascertained through linkages with several national registries Acid-suppressing drugs: 547 pregnancies (553 infants); H2-antagonists only or H2-antagonists + proton pump inhibitors: 275 cimetidine (n=35), ranitidine (n=156), famotidine (n=58), nizatidine (n=3), cimetidine + famotidine (n=1), ranitidine + famotidine (n=2) H2-receptor antagonists only: 6/255 (2.4%) Baseline birth defects prevalence: 3.9%; Adjusted OR (95% CI) for H2-receptor antagonists use in first trimester and any major birth defect: 0.46 (0.17-1.20)
Källén, 200212 Sweden, 1995-1999 Wide array of first and second generation H1 receptor antagonists (see paper table 1 for complete list); use during early pregnancy (~ before 10-12 weeks gestation)
Note: all analyses conducted by indication (NVP or allergy), not by medication
Baseline risk in total cohort Exposure during “early pregnancy” ascertained prospectively during prenatal care by midwives (typically at 10-12 weeks gestation) Spectrum of specific defects ascertained through linkage with other national databases Total exposed pregnancies: 17,776 (18,197 infants) Total birth defects among exposed: 579; NVP indication: 402; Allergy indication: 177 Baseline birth defects prevalence: 3.16%; Unadjusted OR (95% CI); among those with NVP indication: association with all birth defects: 0.98 (0.89-1.09); “selected” major birth defects: 0.94 (0.83-1.07); congenital heart defects: 0.89 (0.71-1.11); specific congenital heart defects: 0.78 (0.60-1.01); among those with allergy indication: all birth defect: 1.03 (0.89-1.20); “selected” major birth defects: 1.06 (0.88-1.28); congenital heart defects: 0.89 (0.63-1.24); specific congenital heart defects: 0.81 (0.55-1.20) [Reported in paper table 5]; only association reported for a specific defect was for congenital hip subluxation (previously associated with promethazine [Kullander and Källén14]): 1.05 (0.83-1.32) for any antihistamine used for NVP and 0.77 (0.51-1.18) for any antihistamine used for allergy
Kullander and Källén, 197614 Sweden, 1963-1965 Promethazine, diphenhydramine, and meclizine; any “anti-emetic”; use during first trimester No antiemetic use Self-report Any major birth defect as ascertained by pediatrician and documented in medical records up to one year after birth Total pregnancies: 6,376; pregnancies with infant follow-up: 5,753: antiemetics: 778; promethazine: 617; prochlorperazine: 91; diphenhydramine: 46; meclizine: 19; no antiemetics: 4,975 Any antiemetic: 34/778 (4.4%); promethazine: 27/617 (4.4%); diphenhydramine: 3/46 (6.5%); meclizine: 0/19; no antiemetics: 166/4,975 (3.3%) (See table V for more detailed results) Not calculated; authors noted increased risk of congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with promethazine exposure
Lalkin et al. 199865 Canada, Italy (2) and France, Teratogen Information Services “Histamine blockers”; any use during pregnancy [89% used in first trimester]
Note: exposure of interest was omeprazole; exposure to “histamine blockers” was comparison exposure
Exposed to NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through maternal self-report during postnatal follow-up telephone interview Exposure anytime during pregnancy: “Histamine blockers”: 113; NTS: 113 Exposure during first trimester and had live birth: “Histamine blockers”: 98; NTS: 66 “Histamine blockers”: 3/98 (3.1%); NTS: 2/66 (3.0%) Not calculated; there was no significant difference in prevalence of birth defects among those exposed and unexposed to medications during pregnancy
Loebstein et al. 199932 Canada (Motherisk) and Italy, Teratogen Information Services Terfenadine; use during first trimester and entire pregnancy Exposed to NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called Canada or Italy TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through maternal self-report during postnatal follow-up telephone interview; outcomes of interest confirmed in writing by the child's pediatrician. Terfenadine: 118 from both Canada (102) and Italy (16); first trimester exposure: 65; unexposed: 118 Terfenadine: 0/65; unexposed: 2/111 (1.8%) Matched RR (95% CI); association between first trimester terfenadine exposure and any major birth defect: 0.57 (0.06-5.39)
Magee et al. 199662 Canada Teratogen Information Service (Motherisk), 1985-1993 H2-receptor antagonists (ranitidine, cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine); use during first trimester Exposed to NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure. Any major birth defect ascertained in interview with mother within one year after delivery H2-receptor antagonists: 142 live births; NTS: 143 H2-receptor antagonists: 3/142 (2.1%); NTS: 5/143 (3.5%) Risk difference (95% CI) comparing frequency of birth defects among users of H2-receptor antagonists during the first trimester and NTS: −1.4% (−5.2%, 2.4%)
Matok et al. 201063 Israel (Southern District), 1998-2007 H2-receptor antagonists (famotidine, ranitidine, cimetidine), alone and in combination; use during first trimester Unexposed to H2-receptor antagonists (or to famotidine, ranitidine, or cimetidine) Prescription records Any major birth defect, excluding those with chromosomal malformations Total pregnancies: 84,823; H2-receptor antagonists: 1,148; famotidine: 878; ranitidine: 276 H2-receptor antagonist: 65/1,148 (5.7%) vs.unexposed to H2-receptor antagonist: 4,400/83,675 (5.3%); famotidine: 58/878 (6.6%) vs.unexposed to famotidine: 4,407/83,945 (5.2%); ranitidine: 6/276 (2.2%) vs. unexposed to ranitidine: 4,459/84,547 (5.3%) Adjusted OR (95% CI) for association between H2-receptor antagonist use in the first trimester and major birth defects: any use: 1.03 (0.80-1.32); famotidine: 1.21 (0.92-1.58); ranitidine: not calculated (fewer than 7 birth defects noted)
McBride, 196915 Austraila (Sydney), 1956-1961 Cyclizine; use during first trimester Unexposed to cyclizine Not stated CPO Total pregnancies: 25,333; first trimester use of cyclizine: 1,125; unexposed: 24,208; women with NVP and unexposed: 1,100 CPO among first trimester users of cyclizine: 5/1125 (4.4/1,000); CPO among unexposed: 19/24,208 (0.78/1,000); CPO among women with NVP (and unexposed): 4/1,100 (3.64/1,000) Not calculated; among individuals with NVP, there was no significant difference in prevalence of CPO among those exposed and unexposed to cyclizine in the first trimester
Michaelis et al. 198324* Germany, 1964-1972 Miscellaneous antiemetics (meclizine, triflupromazine, dimenhydrinate, chlorpheniramine); use during first trimester Unexposed to antiemetics; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-report and report by physician Major, minor, other abnormalities ascertained from pediatric records; suspected cases underwent clinical review by panel of physicians Total pregnancies: 13,643; miscellaneous antiemetics: 628; unexposed: 628 Miscellaneous antiemetics: 11/628; Unexposed: 12/628 Matched OR (90% CI) for miscellaneous antiemetic use in the first trimester and any birth defect: 0.92 (90% CI: 0.42, 2.00)
Milkovich and van den Berg, 197616 United States (Northern California, Kaiser Permanente), 1959-1966 Meclizine, cyclizine; use during first trimester use and throughout pregnancy Women with NVP but no prescription for treatment of condition Medical record reviewed to identify first trimester prescriptions Any major birth defect Total pregnancies: 11,481; use of meclizine in the first trimester: 613; use of cyclizine in the first trimester: 111; NVP but no prescription for NVP medications: 4,353 Prevalence of birth defects identified by 1 month, 1 year and 5 years of age: Meclizine use in first trimester: 2.0%, 2.9%, 4.1%; cyclizine use in first trimester: 1.8%, 1.8%, 3.7%; among those with NVP but no medication use:1.5%, 2.2%, 3.2% Not calculated; there were no significant differences in prevalence of birth defects comparing those with meclizine or cyclizine use in the first trimester with the unmedicated group
Moretti et al. 200333 Canada, Italy, Israel, Brazil Teratogen Information Services (dates not stated) Loratadine; use during first trimester NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through maternal self-report during postnatal follow-up telephone interview; outcomes of interest confirmed in writing by the child's pediatrician. Total pregnancies: 322; loratadine: 161; NTS: 161 Loratadine: 5/143 (3.5%); NTS: 6/150 (4.0%) Not calculated by authors, p-value of 0.95 provided; RR (95% CI) for comparison of proportion of exposed and unexposed with major birth defect: 0.87 (0.26-2.91) (calculated via EpiSheet)
Pastuszak et al. 199634 Canada and United States (Philadelphia) Teratogen Information Services, 1989-1994 Astemizole; use during first trimester NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect ascertained through maternal self-report during postnatal follow-up telephone interview Astemizole: 114; NTS: 114 Astemizole: 2/114 (1.8%) (one case of hypospadias and one case of spina bifida occulta); unexposed: 2/114 (1.8%) (one case of ventricular septal defect and one case of ocular myopathy) Not calculated; there was no significant differences in prevalence of birth defects among those exposed and unexposed in the first trimester
Ruigómez et al. 199964 United Kingdom and Italy, 1991-1996 Cimetidine, ranitidine; use from 30 days before LMP date to 100 days after the LMP date Unexposed to cimetidine, ranitidine, or omeprazole Ascertained from medical records (United Kingdom) or prescriptions (Italy); women receiving more than one acid-suppressing drug during the first trimester were excluded from analysis Any major or minor birth defect identified through general practitioners' records (United Kingdom) or hospital discharge data (Italy) In both cohorts combined: liveborn infants: 2,261; stillbirths: 20; cimetidine: 237; ranitidine: 330; unexposed: 1,575 United Kingdom cohort: cimetidine: 9/227 (4%); ranitidine: 17/229 (7.4%), unexposed: 37/651 (5.7%); Italy cohort: cimetidine: 2/10 (20%); ranitidine: 3/101 (3%); unexposed: 27/924 (2.9%) Adjusted RR (95% CI) for medication use in the first trimester and any birth defect (in both cohorts combined): cimetidine: 1.3 (0.7-2.6), ranitidine: 1.5 (0.9-2.6)
Schatz et al. 199727 United States (California, Kaiser-Permanente Prospective Study of Asthma During Pregnancy), 1978-1989 Chlorpheniramine, tripelenamine or other antihistamine (not otherwise specified); use during first trimester and throughout pregnancy Unexposed to chlorpheniramine tripelennamine, or other antihistamines; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Maternal self-report at initial visit (< 28 weeks gestation) then daily diary for all medications through delivery Any major birth defect ascertained from medical records 824 women with and 678 women without asthma (total n = 1,502) who delivered a singleton birth later than 20 weeks' gestation and for whom complete information regarding medications taken during pregnancy was available; chlorpheniramine, tripelennamine, or other antihistamines used in first trimester: 321; unexposed: 1,175 Chlorpheniramine, tripelennamine, or other antihistamines used in first trimester: 3.7%; unexposed: 5.5%; Not calculated
Shapiro et al. 197817 United States (Collaborative Perinatal Project), 1959-1966 Meclizine; use during first four lunar months Not exposed to meclizine in the first four lunar months Self-report Any major birth defect “Mother-child pairs”: 50,282; meclizine: 1,014; unexposed: 49,268 Meclizine: 36/1,014 (3.6%); unexposed: 1,357/49,268 (2.8%) Standardized RR (95% CI) for meclizine use in the first four lunar months of pregnancy and major malformations: 1.20 (0.90-1.61) [See paper table for specific organ systems -- significant association with eye and ear defects (2.79 (1.12-5.73)]
Weber-Schoendorfer and Schaefer 200835 Germany (Berlin Teratogen Information Service), 1992-2006 Cetirizine; use during the first trimester Exposed to NTS; unexposed matched to exposed on several potential confounders Self-reported through structured questionnaire; women (or their healthcare providers) called TIS because of question about exposure Any major birth defect, excluding genetic syndromes ascertained during postnatal questionnaire to the mother and/or physician 8 weeks after delivery Cetirizine: 196; NTS: 1,686 Cetirizine: 3/177 (1.7%); NTS: 24/1,521 (1.6%) Unadjusted OR (95% CI) of the association of cetirizine use in the first trimester and any major birth defect: 1.07 (0.21-3.59)
Yerushalmy and Milkovich, 196518 United States (Northern California, Kaiser Permanente), 1960-1964 Meclizines, cyclizines, OAN; medications prescribed during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy No antinauseant drugs prescribed Maternal self-report at time of first prenatal visit (2/3 report in the first trimester); record of prescribed medications in medical record Any “severe” birth defect, and by organ systems -- see Table 3 in paper Total pregnancies: 4,277; meclizines/ cyclizines: 315; OAN: 449; unexposed: 3,902 Meclizines/cyclizines: 9/315 (3.2%); OAN: 11/449 (3.3%); unexposed: 101/3,902 (3.8%) Not calculated; there were no significant differences in prevalence of birth defects among those exposed and unexposed to medications

CI, confidence interval; CL/P, cleft lip with or without cleft palate; CPO, cleft palate only; LMP, last menstrual period; NTD, neural tube defects; NTS, nonteratogenic substances; NVP, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy; OAN, other antinauseant; OAH, other antihistamines; OR, odds ratio; RR, risk ratio; TIS, Teratogen Information Service


Manuscript reported results for doxylamine+pyridoxine which are not included in this systematic review

Overlapping data from Kaiser Permanente

Overlapping data from Swedish surveillance systems