Segmentation results for 3 RRMS cases. a) The largest (48.8 ml), b) median (7.9 ml and c) the smallest (0.5 ml) lesion load of the cohort. The figure shows axial slices (“z” is the z-coordinate in mm in the MNI space) for T2W, FLAIR and T1W combined with the automatic RMNMS segmentation (“T1W + RMNMS”) and 3D rendering of the segmentations (orientation is defined such as F = frontal, P = posterior, R = surgical right and L = surgical left). The overlapping voxels (TP) with the manual segmentation are represented in green, while the false positives (FP) are yellow and the false negatives (FN) are red. The green circle highlights the TP of the unique lesion for subject “c”. The experiment was conducted with a patch radius of 1 voxel, a search area radius of 5 voxels and a pre-selection of 50 training subjects on the 108 RRMS subjects.