FIG 1.
Characterization of a Us9-independent pathway for anterograde axonal transport of gM. (A) Live cell imaging stills of anterograde transport of gM-mCherry in rat SCG neurons at 8 h postinfection with PRV 437. Triangles indicate punctate structures moving in an antergrade direction. Arrows indicates anterograde directionality. (B) WB assessment of Us9 and gM expression in PK15 whole-cell extracts infected with PRV Becker, PRV 161 (Us9-null parental strain), PRV 347 (gM-mCherry), and PRV 437 (gM-mCherry, Us9-null). (C) Anterograde spreading capacities of PRV 347 and PRV 437 in chambered neuronal cultures at 24 h postinfection. Point estimates reflect viral titers in the N compartment for infections performed in quadruplicate for each viral strain. Lines denote median titers.