Figure 1. Overview of cargo adaptor localization.
Shown is a schematic of the secretory and endocytic pathways of a typical eukaryotic cell, highlighting the trafficking pathways controlled by the major cargo adaptors. Traffic is shown to and from the apical plasma membrane. Traffic to the basolateral membrane appears to rely upon similar adaptors used for traffic to the endo-lysosomal system [9]. The precise pathways controlled by many cargo adaptors, especially regarding endocytosis and the endosomal membrane system, remains a subject of debate. Note that Exomer traffics only ~5% of PM proteins in budding yeast, and there is no homolog of Exomer in metazoans, so the sorting mechanism for the bulk of apical PM proteins remains unresolved. ERGIC denotes the ER-Golgi Intermediate Compartment. See also Table 1.