Fig. (1).
Top: Milligan’s trichrome stained sections of airway tissue from non-asthma (A) and asthma (B) patients. Images are representative of tissues obtained from 3 non-asthmatic and 3 asthmatic patients. Nuclei and muscle: magenta, collagen: green, RBC: orange. Note epithelial hyperplasia, thickening of muscle bundles and basement membrane, and increased microvessel density in asthmatic airways. E = epithelium, MB = muscle bundles, BM = basement membrane, MV = microvessels. Bottom: Light microscopic images of Haematoxylin- Eosin-stained airway tissue sections obtained from a non-asthma (C) and an asthma (D) patient. Note the increased thickening of the basement membrane in the asthmatic airways. E = epithelium, arrows are indicating the basement membrane. (Figure adapted from references 89 and 106).