MJ microsatellite networks of six different binary haplotypes. Microsatellite haplotypes are represented by circles, with areas proportional to the number of individuals harboring the haplotype. A, haplotype 2 (M13); B, haplotype 15 (M112); C, haplotype 22 (M191); D, haplotype 24 (DYS271); E, haplotype 35 (M35); and F, haplotype 41 (M85). For each network, the smallest circles represent a count of one individual, with the exception of the network depicted in D (haplotype 24), where only haplotypes having an absolute count of two or more are represented. Branch lengths are proportional to the number of one-repeat mutations separating two haplotypes. Branch length of the network B (haplotype 15) is one-half that in the other networks. Network B also includes three haplotype 15 chromosomes reported by Underhill et al. (2000). Network E (haplotype 35) also includes 16 haplotype 35 chromosomes from southern Ethiopia (R.S., unpublished data). Pygmy chromosomes in network F also carry the M200 derived allele (haplotype 40).