Figure 3.
Histomorphometrical differences in the trabecular bones of PXR knockout mice. (A) Representative cross-sectional images of the proximal tibial metaphyseal trabecular bones of wild-type (WT) and PXR knockout (PXRKO) mice. Microscopic views under incandescent light (upper panels) and fluorescent light (lower panels) are shown. Yellow and green lines of tetracycline and calcein labeling were visualized under fluorescent light. (B) Histomorphometrical parameters (BV/TV, bone volume fraction per tissue volume; ES/BS, eroded surface per bone surface; Oc.S/BS, osteoclast surface per bone surface; N.Oc/BS, number of osteoclasts per bone surface; OV/BV, osteoid volume fraction per bone volume fraction; MS/BS, mineralizing surface per bone surface; Ob.S/BS osteoblast surface per bone surface; MAR, mineral apposition rate; BFR/BS, bone formation rate per bone surface) of proximal tibial metaphyseal trabecular bones of wild-type (WT; n=8) and PXR knockout (KO; n=8) mice are shown. ***P<0·001; **P<0·01; *P<0·05. Full colour version of this figure available via