Table 2. Histology Categories and ICD-O-3,* Codes Used to Define Malignant Primary Osteosarcomas† United States, 1999-2008.
Histology Definitions for Primary
Malignant Osteosarcomas |
ICD-O-3 Codes |
Osteosarcoma, NOS‡ | 9180/3 |
Chondroblastic osteosarcoma | 9181/3 |
Fibroblastic osteosarcoma | 9182/3 |
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma | 9183/3 |
Osteosarcoma in Paget disease | 9184/3 |
Small cell osteosarcoma | 9185/3 |
Central osteosarcoma | 9186/3 |
Intraosseous well differentiated osteosarcoma | 9187/3 |
Paraosteal osteosarcoma | 9192/3 |
Periosteal osteosarcoma | 9193/3 |
High grade surface osteosarcoma | 9194/3 |
Intracortical osteosarcoma | 9195/3 |
Malignant osteosarcoma | 9200/3 |
ICD-O-3 indicates International Classification of Diseases for Oncology-3rd Edition
The analyses were limited to microscopically confirmed osteosarcomas.
NOS, not otherwise specified.