Fig. 6.
sPirB allows structural and functional recovery from amblyopia after LTMD. (A) Experimental timeline: LTMD from P19 to P47, eye reopening at P47, and minipump infusion from P54 to P61. (B) Representative YFP-labeled L5 cell soma and basolateral (arrow) dendrites in visual cortex of WT Thy-1 YFP-H mice. Scale bar, 50 mm. (C) Bar graphs showing changes in basolateral dendritic spine density: LTMD causes a significant decline in spine density (BSA LTMD) that can be fully reversed with sPirB infusion (sPirB LTMD) (BSA NR: n = 5 mice versus BSA LTMD: n = 4, P = 0.02. sPirB LTMD: n = 5, sPirB versus BSA LTMD, P = 0.001, sPirB NR: n = 5 animals, one to two cells per animal, sPirB versus BSA NR: P = 0.003). *P < 0.05,**P < 0.01,by two-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test. (D) Averaged cortical VEP response amplitudes (microvolts) to stimuli at a range of spatial frequencies (cycles per degree) after LTMD in mice receiving minipump infusion of either sPirB or BSA. Dotted line: Semilogarithmic regression of visual responses. Inset: Population average traces at 0.05 cycle per degree. (E) Bar graphs showing spatial acuity after LTMD plus infusion of either BSA or sPirB. Gray shaded region indicates mean acuity ± SEM of normally reared (NR) controls. Measurements from individual mice are plotted (circles). Loss of acuity with LTMD is reversed after just 1weekof sPirB infusion (NR, n = 6 mice versus BSA LTMD, n = 5 mice, P = 0.004. sPirB LTMD, n = 4 mice versus BSA LTMD, P = 0.016). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, by U test.