Fig. 1. Stages of meiosis in live human oocytes.
(A) Stages of meiosis in human oocytes determined from live human oocytes expressing EGFP-MAP4 (microtubules) and H2B-mRFP1 (chromosomes). A schematic representation of each stage (scheme; microtubules in green; chromosomes in magenta) and stage-specific time-lapse images (z-projections, 4 sections, every 5 μm) merged with differential interference contrast [DIC] are shown (bottom row). Outlined regions are magnified above (middle row). Scale bar, 20 μm. Time displayed in hours: minutes.
(B) Quantification of timing of meiotic progression from live oocytes expressing EGFP-MAP4 (microtubules) and H2B-mRFP1 (chromosomes) as shown in (A). The box plot shows median (line), mean (small square), and 25th and 75th (boxes), 5th and 95th percentile (whiskers) of time after NEBD. The number of oocytes is specified in italics. Only oocytes in which the whole maturation process was recorded (from before NEBD to bipolar MII spindle formation) were included.
(C and D) The spindle volume was quantified in live human oocytes expressing EGFP-MAP4 (microtubules) as shown in (A). Averaged data from 20 oocytes (C) and examples of individual curves up until anaphase onset (D) are shown.