Figure 1.
Sequence similarity network for proteins of cog1735 from the amidohydrolase superfamily at BLAST E-value cutoffs of 10−80 (top) and 10−40 (bottom) created using Cytoscape ( For these proteins an E-value of 10−80 corresponds to a sequence identity of approximately 42%, whereas an E-value of 10−40 corresponds to a sequence identity of approximately 30%. All protein sequences available through NCBI that are designated as belonging to cog1735 were used to create the network. Each node in the network represents a single sequence, and each edge (depicted as lines) represents the pairwise connection between two sequences at the given BLAST E-value (32). Lengths of edges are not significant except that sequences in tightly clustered groups are relatively more similar to each other than sequences with few connections. The triangular nodes represent proteins that have been functionally and/or structurally characterized. Additional information is available in the text.