Figure 6. Identification of a PLS domain in ANO6.
(A) Site-specific Type II divergence scores were calculated by comparing ANO1 and ANO6 sequences from 24 mammalian species, binned over a 15-amino acid window, and normalized to the maximum value. Horizontal lines at top indicate transmembrane domains. Vertical lines indicate individual amino acids with high Type II Divergence Scores. (B) Summary of 1-6-1 chimeras. Black line represents ANO1 sequence with TMDs 2–10 labeled. Colored horizontal lines represent ANO1 sequence that was replaced with the corresponding ANO6 sequence. Numbers refer to ANO1 sequence. Green: ANO1-like currents, no scrambling. Red: scrambling. Grey: weak plasma membrane expression, but no currents or scrambling. Orange: some plasma membrane expression, no currents or scrambling. (C) Scrambling domain (SCRD). The sequences of ANO1 (535–601) and ANO6 (506–572) are aligned with TMD 4 and TMD5 indicated. Amino acids are colored according to Rasmol. SCRD shows region associated with PLS. Asterisks show amino acids that are essential for PLS in ANO6. Figure 6—figure supplement 1 lists sequence accession numbers used for Diverge analysis. Figure 6—figure supplement 2 shows alignment of mANO1 and mANO6 used for chimeric construction. Figure 6—figure supplement 3 tabulates the properties of all of the 1-6-1 chimeras. Figure 6—figure supplement 4 shows a confocal image of scrambling by the 1-6-1_(554-588) chimera. Figure 6—figure supplement 5 summarizes properties of mutations in ANO6 SCRD.