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. 2015 Jun 24;35(25):9409–9423. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0800-15.2015

Table 1.

C. elegans strains used in the generation of data that appear in the figures

Figure Strain no. Background alleles Transgene nos. Transgene
1 TM2261 cat-2(tm2261)
LX703 dop-3(vs106)
BY810 swip-10(vt29)
BY828 swip-10(vt33)
BY1010/TM5915 swip-10(tm5915)
BY957 cat-2(tm2261);swip-10(vt29)
BY873 cat-2(tm2261);swip-10(vt33)
BY1034 cat-2(tm2261);swip-10(tm5915)
BY1030 swip-10(tm5915) dop-3(vs106)
2 BY1139-BY1141 N2 vtEx83-vtEx85 swip-10a:CFP
BY1049-BY1050 N2 vtEx191-vtEx192 swip-10b:GFP
BY859-BY862 N2 vtEx94-97 swip-10c:GFP
BY1037-BY1039 N2 vtEx182-vtEx184 swip-10b:GFP, dat-1:mCherry
OS1917 N2 nsIs108 ptr-10:mRFP
BY1051 N2 nsIs108;vtEx191 ptr-10:mRFP;swip-10b:GFP
3 BY837-838 swip-10(vt29) vtEx74-75 swip-10 genomic fragment
BY844-846 swip-10(vt33) vtEx76-78 swip-10 genomic fragment
BY1004-1006 swip-10(vt29) vtEx159-161 dat-1:swip-10 cDNA
BY1076-1078 swip-10(vt29) vtEx200-202 ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA
BY1079-1081 swip-10(tm5915) vtEx203-205 ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA
BY1090-1092 swip-10(vt33) vtEx206-208 ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA
BY1093-1095 swip-10(vt29) vtEx209-211 ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA lactamase dead
4 IR724 N2 uvEx724 asic-1:SNB-1::SEpHlourin, pRF4
BY1114 swip-10(tm5915) uvEx724 asic-1:SNB-1::SEpHlourin, pRF4
TM2261 cat-2(tm2261)
RM2702 dat-1(ok157)
BY810 swip-10(vt29)
BY957 cat-2(tm2261);swip-10(vt29)
5 TQ733 N2 XuIs14 dat-1:GCaMP1.3, dat-1:dsRed2
BY1059 swip-10(tm5915) lite-1(Xu7) XuIs14 dat-1:GCaMP1.3, dat-1:dsRed2
BY1122 swip-10(tm5915) lite-1(Xu7) XuIs14;vtEx227 dat-1:GCaMP1.3, dat-1:dsRed2, ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA
BY1123 swip-10(tm5915) lite-1(Xu7) XuIs14;vtEx228 dat-1:GCaMP1.3, dat-1:dsRed2, ptr-10:swip-10 cDNA
6 MT6308 eat-4(ky5)
BY810 swip-10(vt29)
BY828 swip-10(vt33)
BY890 eat-4(ky5), swip-10(vt29)
BY891 eat-4(ky5), swip-10(vt33)
RM2702 dat-1(ok157)
BY1010/TM5915 swip-10(tm5915)
TM3239 glr-4(tm3239)
TM2729 glr-6(tm2729)
TM1811 mgl-1(tm1811)
BY919 glr-4(tm3239), swip-10(vt29)
BY1032 swip-10(tm5915) glr-6(tm2729)
BY1031 swip-10(tm5915) mgl-1(tm1811)
BY1052 swip-10(tm5915) glr-6(tm2729) mgl-1(tm1811)
BY1053 glr-4(tm3239), swip-10(tm5915) mgl-1(tm1811)
BY1054 glr-4(tm3239), swip-10(tm5915) glr-6(tm2729)
BY1097 glr-4(tm3239), swip-10(tm5915) glr-6(tm2729) mgl-1(tm1811)
BY1101 dat-1(ok157), glr-4(tm3239)
BY1088 dat-1(ok157), glr-6(tm2729)
BY1089 dat-1(ok157), mgl-1(tm1811)
7 ZB1098 glt-4(bz69)
ZB1099 glt-5(bz70)
TM1316 glt-6(tm1316)
TM1641 glt-7(tm1641)
BY995 glt-1(ok206)
ZB1096 glt-3(bz34)
BY920 cat-2(tm2261), glt-1(ok206)
BY931 cat-2(tm2261), glt-3(bz34)
BY927 cat-2(tm2261), glt-4(bz69)
BY1033 swip-10(tm5915) glt-1(ok206)
BY1057 glt-3(bz34), swip-10(vt29)
BY1058 glt-3(bz34);swip-10(tm5915)

Lines are organized by order of figure appearance as noted. Strains used for studies noted only in the text are listed in the Materials and Methods.