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. 2014 Apr 9;8(2):163–173.

Table 4.

The characteristics of larval habitats of collecting localities, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, 2012

Location Habitat situation Vegetation situation Sunlight situation Habitat kind Collected species (abundance percentage in the location)
Nazloo 1 Slow running water out of water partial natural Cx. pipiens (25%), Cs. longiareolata (30%), Cx. theileri (20%), Cx. modestus (6%), Cx. hortensis (11%), An. claviger (8%)
Nazloo2 transient water surface partial artificial Cx. modestus (76%), An. maculipennis (24%)
Urmia Sero Slow running water beneath of water surface full natural Cx. theileri (55%), An. maculipennis (45%)
Nav-Jehan Slow running water beneath of water surface partial artificial Cx. theileri (45% ), An. maculipennis 25%), An. claviger (30%)
Bavan-kanisi Standing water out of water partial artificial Cx. pipiens (100%)
Marmisho permanent beneath of water surface shaded natural An. claviger (15%), Cx. hortensis (85%)
Issar Transient beneath of water surface full artificial Cx. pipiens (20%), Cs. longiareolata (60%), Cx. theileri (15%), An. maculipennis (5%)
Ghale-Joogh permanent out of water partial natural Cx. theileri (55%), Cs. longiareolata (45%)
Baghchejoog Slow running water out of water shaded natural Cx. pipiens (40%), Cx. theileri (60%)
Makoo Sangar Standing water beneath of water surface partial natural Cx. pipiens (70%), Cx. theileri (15%), Cx. modestus (15%)
Boljak Standing water water surface shaded natural An. maculipennis (100%)
Ghezel- Slow running out of water partial artificial Cx. pipiens (65%), Cx. theileri (35%)
Kurd water
Ghezel- Slow running beneath of shaded artificial Cx. theileri (80%), An. maculipennis
Ajam water water surface (20%)
Bazargan 1 Standing water water surface full natural An.maculipennis (100%)
Bazargan Yarim-Ghiye Slowly running water beneath of water surface full artificial Cx. theileri (80%), Cx. modestus (5%), An. maculipennis (15%)
Poldasht permanent water surface partial natural Cx. pipiens (30 %), Cx. theileri (30 %), Cx. modestus (20 %), An. maculipennis (20 %)
Poldasht Ghizil arkh Standing water out of water full natural Cx. theileri (100%)
Zakerloo Transient beneath of water surface partial natural An. maculipennis (95%), Uranotaenia (5%)
Sarisoo Standing water water surface shaded natural Cx. pipiens (85%), An. maculipennis (15%)
Naghadeh Naghadeh transient out of water full natural An. claviger (45%), An. maculipennis (55%)
Mahabad1 permanent water surface full natural Cx. pipiens(35%), Cx. theileri (10%), Cx.modestus (10%) Cx. hortensis (30%), An. maculipennis (15%)
Mahabad Kavelan Slowly running water beneath of water surface partial natural Cx. hortensis (15%), An. maculipennis (20%), An. superpictus (25%), Cx. mimeticus (40%)
Mahabad2 Standing water water surface shaded natural Cx. pipiens (20%), Cx. theileri (25%), Cx. modestus (10%), An. maculipennis (25%), An. superpictus (20%)
Sardasht Sardasht Pol Slowly running water beneath of water surface shaded natural An. maculipennis (65%), An. superpictus (35%)
Kapran Slowly running water water surface shaded natural An. maculipennis (45%), An. superpictus (30%), An. claviger (25%)