Fig. 1.
Simultaneous calcium imaging and electrophysiological recordings. (a) G-CaMP7 expressing CA1 pyramidal neuron; location of line scan is indicated by the white line across the proximal apical dendrite. Increasing fluorescence intensity in this and the following line scan images is represented by colors from black through red and yellow to green, blue and purple. (b) Representative line scans during one action potential and (c) eight action potentials with GECO1.2. The vertical white lines in (b) and (c) and corresponding deflections in (d) and (e) are time stamps, the first indicating the start of current injection, and the second, 50 ms later, serving as an internal time marker. Traces above the line scans show the simultaneously recorded action potentials on the same time scale; these are visible in more detail in panels (f) and (g). (d) and (e) Quantifications of line scans: (d) one action potential and (e) eight action potentials. axis shows time, axis shows values. Traces are representations of single line scans. (f) and (g) Simultaneously recorded membrane potentials showing one or eight action potentials.