Figure 2. FK increased expressions of TrxR2, GSNOR and Bcl-2 in rat penile tissue after unilateral CNI.
A.) TrxR2 expression (56 kDa) did not change after CNI + vehicle compared to the sham treated groups while FK treatment caused TrxR2 expression to increase significantly after CNI compared to both the sham and CNI + vehicle treated groups. B.) GSNOR expression (40 kDa) decreased after CNI compared to the sham treated groups. FK treatment prevented this decrease, and GSNOR expression levels in the CNI + FK group were similar to sham values. C.) Bcl-2 expression (26 kDa) decreased after CNI compared to the sham treated groups. FK treatment prevented this decrease, and expression increased significantly in the CNI + FK group compared with both the CNI + vehicle and sham treatment groups.
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 vs sham + vehicle. †† p<0.01, ††† p<0.001 vs. CNI + vehicle. Top panels: representative immunoblots; bottom panel: densitometry data; bars represent mean ± SEM of 7–8 rats per group. All protein expressions were normalized to β-actin and expressed as a ratio of sham values. (S +V = sham + vehicle, S + FK = sham + FK treatment, CNI +V = unilateral injury + vehicle, CNI + FK = unilateral injury + FK treatment).