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. 2015 Jun 3;6(1):114. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0104-3

Table 1.

Expression of cell surface antigens and secreted proteins in BS cells and BMSCs

Antigen Manufacturer Label Marker specification Positive cells (%)
BS cells BMSC
CD34 Beckman Coulter PE Hematopoietic stem cell marker, cell adhesion 7.69 (+) 1.05 (–)
CD53 AbD Serotec FITC Osteoblast and osteoclast signal transduction 0.00 (–) 0.14 (–)
CD73 BD Biosciences PE Mesenchymal, epithelial and endothelial cell marker 97.46 (+++) 98.67 (+++)
CD90 Beckman Coulter PE Fibroblast, stromal and hematopoietic stem cell marker 95.18 (+++) 98.37 (+++)
CD105 Beckman Coulter PE Mesenchymal and erythroid progenitor cells 98.05 (+++) 99.10 (+++)
CD106 AbD Serotec FITC Cell adhesion 4.09 (–) 55.55 (++)
CD133 Beckman Coulter PE Hematopoietic stem cell marker 0.14 (–) 1.20 (–)
CD144 AbD Serotec FITC Endothelial cells, cell adhesion 0.01 (–) 0.58 (–)
CD166 BD Biosciences PE Mesenchymal, epithelial stem cells, fibroblasts, monocytes, cell adhesion 88.06 (++) 98.42 (+++)
ALP R&D Systems APC Alkaline phosphatase 22.79 (+) 55.50 (++)
FGF R&D Systems FITC Fibroblast growth factor 45.06 (+) 42.64 (+)
Stro1 Dako FITC Mesenchymal stem cell marker 0.15 (–) 0.68 (–)

+++ marker expression on >95 % of the cells, ++ marker expression on 50-95 % of the cells, + marker expression on 5-50 % of the cells, - marker expression on <5 % of the cells

ALP alkaline phosphatase, APC allophycocyanin, BMSC bone marrow-derived MSC, BS bursa subacromialis, CD cluster of differentiation, FGF fibroblast growth factor, FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate, MSC mesenchymal stem cells, PE phycoerythrin