Fig. 3.
Immunofluorescence for human IgG (green), TNF (red), and DAPI nuclear stain (blue) in the injured nerve 24 h after etanercept application. (A) Anti-human IgG immunoreactivity and DAPI. (B) Anti-TNF immunoreactivity and DAPI. (C) Co-localization of human IgG and TNF immunoreactivity. Etanercept mainly co-localized in the characteristic crescent or round structures (inset), suggesting Schwann cells and macrophages. In some myelinated axons, etanercept– human IgG immunoreactive structures accumulated only myelin-like structures but not TNF-positive axon-like structures. (D) Phase-contrast light micrograph of nerve observed in A, B, and C. Representative micrographs of n=8 rats/group. Magnification 400×.