Coalescence-based, tip-dated phylogenetic tree inferred from the concatenated Puumala virus S, M, and L segment sequences with prototype strain Sotkamo as outgroup. (A) General topology of the phylogenetic tree of all analyzed virus sequences with condensed geographical clusters displayed in detail in B, C, and D. (B) Cluster formed by viruses from Astrup and Ellerbeck localities. (C) Cluster formed by viruses from the Bramsche locality. (D) Cluster formed by viruses from the Schledehausen locality. Sequence names indicate the geographical origin of the sample (schle, Schledehausen; astrup, Astrup; eller, Ellerbeck; varus, Bramsche Varus; tower, Bramsche Tower), followed by two digits indicating the sampling year. Posterior probabilities from Bayesian analyses are indicated close to the main branches.