Figure 2.
AD susceptibility loci BIN1 displays multiple, independent associations of CpG methylation with neuritic plaque (NP) burden. The figure represents the results of analyses for the BIN1 region, with the physical position presented on the x axis and −log10 P-values presented in the y axis. Diamonds represent the individual CpGs across the gene region that were tested in the analysis. The state of the chromatin in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of a cognitively nonimpaired individual is presented below the x axis; this map is based on the derivation of chromatin state in 200 bp segments using data generated from the immunoprecipitation of chromatin marks. The chromatin states are defined in a box at the top right of the figure.16 The red diamonds report the results of the primary model relating CpG methylation and NP burden using a model adjusted for age at death, sex, batch, study, and bisulfite conversion fraction. The black diamonds report the results of the primary model with the additional adjustment for the top CpG, cg22883280, to identify secondary, independent associations such as cg04019522. The blue diamonds report the primary model adjusted for both cg22883290 and cg04019522 showing a third independently associated CpG, cg08663425. All P-values are reported in Table S1.