Cool colours (blues) represent areas of low stain, hot colours (reds) represent areas of high strain and white areas represent areas where the upper strain threshold (1000 μԐ) was exceeded. Load was applied through muscle beams at a magnitude that standardised bite force at the teeth to 47.8 N (see S1 Table for muscle forces used for each model). Abbreviations: H.hor, Heloderma horridum; L.bor, Lanthanotus borneensis; V.aca, Varanus acanthurus; V.exa, Varanus exanthematicus; V.gou, Varanus gouldii; V.kom, Varanus komodoensis; V.pan h, Varanus panoptes horni; V.pan p, Varanus panoptes panoptes; V.pra, Varanus prasinus; V.sdi, Varanus salvadorii; V.slt, Varanus salvator; V.stor, Varanus storri; V.tri, Varanus tristis.