FIG 2 .
HK2 is regulated by HIF-1 in Toxoplasma-infected cells. HK2 transcript levels were measured in mock- or parasite-infected HIF-1αWT or HIF-1αKO MEFs grown at 21% (A) or 3% (B) O2. (C) Lysates from mock- or parasite-infected HIF-1αWT or HIF-1αKO MEFs (18 hpi) were blotted for HK2, SAG1, and β-actin. The value below each HK2 band represents the relative amount of HK2 in each sample normalized to the HK2 abundance in uninfected HIF-1αWT MEFs at 21% oxygen. (D) Quantification of four independent Western blot assays. Shown are average values and standard deviations from four assays. ns, not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001 (one-way ANOVA).