Fig. 1.
Timing of peak CAB2 activity measured from sunrise for 8-, 12- and 16-h photoperiods in 24-h cycles. Dark shaded columns denote the timing of noon (mid-point of the light period) measured from sunrise. Light shaded columns represent the timing of peak CAB2 activity, based on (a) Fig. 4 of Millar and Kay (1996), (b) Fig. 2 of Tóth et al. (2001), (c) Fig. 1 of Kim et al. (2003), (d) Fig. 2 of Michael et al. (2003), (e) Fig. 4 of McWatters et al. (2007) and (f) Fig. 5 of Perales and Más (2007). Readings were taken at intervals of 2 h or shorter and averaged from two or three cycles, with the exception of the data from Michael et al. (2003), where readings were from the first period after transferring from a light/dark cycle to continuous light.