Figure 2. Expression of TRPC3 channel in human hypertrophic scar tissue.
In order to investigate the expression levels of TRPC3 in human hypertrophic scar tissue, 3 surgical specimens were obtained from scar revision surgery and underwent qRT PCR and immunohistochemical analysis as described in the Materials and Methods. a; qRT-PCR showed human hypertrophic scar tissue had more TRPC3 expression compared to normal skin. Values were standardized against cyclophilin. Data represents means ± SD of 3 samples. *p < 0.05 by student t-test. b; TRPC3 channel protein in hypertrophic scar tissue was detected with anti-TRPC3 antigen. Representative photographs are shown. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that human hypertrophic scar tissues were strongly stained with anti TRPC3 antibody compared to normal skin. Similar to Fibronectin staining,, TRPC3 was also strongly stained along with cell clusters in scar tissue. Scale bars represent 200 μm. c; mRNA expression of TRPC3 in human fibroblasts subjected to mechanical stretchng was measured using qRT-PCR as described in the Materials and Methods section. Stretched cells showed more TRPC3 expression compared to normal, unstretched fibroblasts. Data represents means ± SD of 3 samples. *p < 0.01 by student t-test d; Human primary fibroblasts were stretched (20%, 10 Hz) for 24 hours and then stained with anti TRPC3 antibody. Immunocytochemistry confirmed increased TRPC3 expression in human fibroblasts in response to mechanical stretching. Scale bar represents 20 μm.