Table 2. Characteristics of RSV hospitalization VLBWI with BPD.
No | Sex | At birth | At RSV hospitalization | ||||||||||
GA (week) | Weight (grams) | Vent. Duration (day) | O2 duration (day) | PND (day) | From discharge to readmission (day) | Initiation of palivizumab (month/day) | Status of palivizumab dose (ordinal no.) | Days sincelast palivizumab dose | Date of readmission (month/day) | RSV hospital stay (day) | Outcome | ||
1 | F | 23 | 652 | 30 | 57 | 312 | 217 | 9/28 | 1st | 54 | 11/22 | 7 | Alive |
2 | M | 25 | 760 | 46 | 35 | 278 | 163 | 9/1 | 3rd | 15 | 11/27 | 14 | Alive |
3 | M | 26 | 950 | 39 | 38 | 112 | 33 | 9/6 | 2nd | 17 | 10/22 | 18 | Alive |
4 | M | 26 | 1,185 | 77 | 161 | 309 | 146 | 9/27 | 1st | 27 | 10/24 | 6 | Alive |
5 | M | 28 | 1,060 | 31 | 55 | 115 | 32 | 10/24 | 2nd | 4 | 11/30 | 4 | Alive |
6 | F | 29 | 850 | 47 | 56 | 221 | 149 | 9/7 | 4th | 24 | 12/28 | 16 | Alive |
7* | M | 29 | 1,064 | 18 | 94 | 79† | 76 | 9/11 | 2nd | 8 | 10/19 | 16 | Alive |
168‡ | 165 | 5th | 63§ | 3/20∥ | 7¶ | Death |
*Twice of RSV hospitalization; †, ‡First and second RSV hospitalization, respectively; §Days from last palivizumab injection to confirmation of RSV infection; ∥Date of RSV infection confirmation; ¶Days from RSV infection confirmation to expire. RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; VLBWI, very low birth weight infants; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; M, male; F, femal; GA, gestational age; Vent, ventilator; PND, postnatal days.