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. 2015 Jun 10;30(7):924–931. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2015.30.7.924

Table 2. Characteristics of RSV hospitalization VLBWI with BPD.

No Sex At birth At RSV hospitalization
GA (week) Weight (grams) Vent. Duration (day) O2 duration (day) PND (day) From discharge to readmission (day) Initiation of palivizumab (month/day) Status of palivizumab dose (ordinal no.) Days sincelast palivizumab dose Date of readmission (month/day) RSV hospital stay (day) Outcome
1 F 23 652 30 57 312 217 9/28 1st 54 11/22 7 Alive
2 M 25 760 46 35 278 163 9/1 3rd 15 11/27 14 Alive
3 M 26 950 39 38 112 33 9/6 2nd 17 10/22 18 Alive
4 M 26 1,185 77 161 309 146 9/27 1st 27 10/24 6 Alive
5 M 28 1,060 31 55 115 32 10/24 2nd 4 11/30 4 Alive
6 F 29 850 47 56 221 149 9/7 4th 24 12/28 16 Alive
7* M 29 1,064 18 94 79 76 9/11 2nd 8 10/19 16 Alive
168 165 5th 63§ 3/20 7 Death

*Twice of RSV hospitalization; †, ‡First and second RSV hospitalization, respectively; §Days from last palivizumab injection to confirmation of RSV infection; Date of RSV infection confirmation; Days from RSV infection confirmation to expire. RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; VLBWI, very low birth weight infants; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; M, male; F, femal; GA, gestational age; Vent, ventilator; PND, postnatal days.